Friday, December 14, 2018

MoebiusQuest – NaNoWriMo Results 2018

Hello friends, family, and people from the internet. Guess what? I wrote a novel!

You can read MoebiusQuest here for free at WritersCafe.

This November has been a milestone in my life in more ways than one. First, I met the official NaNoWriMo goal for the first time, writing 54,500 words during the month. Second, I finished my first novel, which came out to 57,000 words when it was finished. Around 3000 words were written in December, but it still counts as a win because over 50,000 of them were in November. Before this, my longest story was under the 40,000 word novel threshold. Third, the novel I wrote was MoebiusQuest, the story I started and restarted so many times as a teenager. Having finally finished it, I feel as if an obsession I had in the back of my mind for all those years has been lifted, and I am free to focus on other stories. And fourth, I met and became friends with a bunch of fellow writers, who are interested in sticking together to help and support each other in our writing.

As I wrote MoebiusQuest, I noticed something strange happening. I prepared only a barebones outline, so most of the story was made up on the fly. But time and again, I kept striking gold with ideas that could pay off later and make the story better. When the book was finished, I found myself looking at something better than I had ever imagined, where no scene was missing, and no scene had to be cut. The only revision it needed was a very small amount of spell-checking and trimming. It felt like a miracle.

It is because it turned out so well that I decided to post it online for anyone to read. MoebiusQuest is my baby, and I couldn’t be happier at how it turned out. Of course, it is nowhere near the quality of a “real” book, but I didn’t intend it to be. And because it is not garbage, and because it is my baby, I have decided to open it up for the eyes of the world. MoebiusQuest is online, and I am neither embarrassed nor ashamed of it.

MoebiusQuest is a light-hearted space adventure where three friends jaunt across the galaxy in search of the seven elemental MacGuffins—I mean medallions. Every planet they visit brings a new and different adventure, from the high-tech to the alien to the downright weird. It is great fun and excitement from start to finish, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it.

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