Saturday, April 10, 2021

Christmas at the Robinettes' – A Vignette


During COVID and isolation, I have been quite lonely, with no real-life people to spend time with. I realized that there are probably a lot of people who feel lonely like I do, so I thought, why not write a scene about the time I feel the least lonely, a family gathering. Children running around, aunts and uncles chattering, cooking, and playing games, and grandma and grandpa full of joy and thankfulness. So I hope that, whether you feel lonely or you simply stumbled upon this, that you can find in it the spark of family happiness. Enjoy!

Christmas at the Robinettes'

By Chris Horst

Snow blows around Grandma and Grandpa Robinette’s house, banking and swirling in thick wet clumps until it reaches the end of its journey and feeds the piles building up around the walls and window frames. Warm yellow light glows behind the curtains, contrasting with the darkness of the December evening and hinting at the liveliness within.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandchildren bustle about the rooms like bees in a hive, their chattering, singing, and cries of excitement drowning out a trio chanting “We Three Kings” on the Oldies station. Aunts Mary, Sarah, and Jen chatter on the long couch, while, despite the ruckus, college-age Ariel naps on the short couch, scrunched up by its small size. Several of the family members sit around a card table, humming tunes as they fit pieces into a half-constructed jigsaw puzzle.  Little Sammy scurries around the room driving a yellow model Ferrari along any surface he can find, be it right-side-up, sideways, or upside-down, screeching, “Batmobile! Batmobile!”

Beside the CRT that soundlessly plays a football game that might have been recorded, Uncle Luke chatters and gestures with Uncle John in his raspy rural accent. “That whole area under there had rotted, so I ended up replacin’ those two’b’fours . . .”

On the floor, a gaggle of teens and tweens sit or lie on their stomachs in a circle playing a game they call Egyptian War when they know they are being observed, and something less scrupulous when they think the grown-ups aren’t listening. The players take turns placing the top card of their decks on a central pile until two of the same card appear in a row or with one card sandwiched between them, and then the first person who slaps the pile gets to add it to their deck. More than one card bears a red stain from fingernails meeting flesh at high velocity.

“Batmobile!” Sammy cries, holding his yellow car in the air as if it’s a toy plane. “Batmobile!” He lands the car on the side of his two-year-old sister Hannah’s head.

“No no no!” adult voices cry from all around. Mary, Sammy’s mom, reaches the children in two quick strides and kneels beside them, putting her hand on the car as Sammy pulls it away from Hannah. “Not on your sister, okay?”

Hannah begins to cry, and Sammy, realizing he’s done something bad, joins in. Mary makes soothing shushing sounds as she checks Hannah’s head. Finding no marks, she kisses it, then gently wipes the tears off Hanna’s cheeks. “It’s okay.” Hannah stops crying, and Mary turns and says, “Sammy, what do you say?”

Sammy looks away and shuffles his feet. “I’m sorry.”

“Good.” Mary smiles lovingly. “You can drive your batmobile on the floor and on the chairs and couches, but not on people. Okay?”

“Okay.” Sammy rushes off, stooping to roll his yellow batmobile across the room.

Mary returns to her seat. Gradually, the hubbub returns to its previous level, the incident forgotten.

“I’m making coffee,” Grandpa calls from the kitchen. “Anybody want some?”

“Coffee?” Aunt Georgie says in her strong alto voice practiced from decades of theater performance as she navigates the busy living room, making eye contact, noting the yeses, nos, bobbing of heads, and waving of hands.

Ariel raises a sleepy hand without opening her eyes. “I’ave coffee.”

“Luke, John, coffee?”

“Yeah, I’ll take some,” Luke says. John smiles and waves the offer away.

“Lexa, coffee?”

“No, it’s evening,” nineteen-year-old Lexa replies, not looking up from her laptop nor slowing the clicking of her fingers on its keyboard.

Georgie returns to the kitchen. “We’ve got six orders for coffee, Grandpa. Six cups plus you makes seven. Seven cups.”

“Seven cups, coming up,” Grandpa says. The coffee maker heats up, and the gurgling of the machine mixes with the scent of home-ground coffee beans and brings sweet memories of many years to Grandpa’s mind. The times he would take little Luke, Mary, and John to the train tracks to find the flattened, featureless remains of the pennies they had left on the rails the day before. The first time he had seen baby Ariel, so small in Georgie’s arms, and had felt like a new father all over again. And when he and Grandma had gone to Armenia as Red Cross volunteers after the Soviet Union had dissolved and had stayed in the home of Gevorg and Margarit, who had come to the States and celebrated Christmas with the family that year.

Grandpa walks through the kitchen doorway and watches his sons and daughters, their husbands and wives, and his grandchildren, all enjoying themselves and each other in their own ways. A yellow warmth shines in his old bones.

Grandma appears beside him. She hasn’t entered his field of view, but after the many wonderful and adventurous years they’ve had together, he knows when she is near. “God has truly blessed us with such a large, happy family,” she says.

“Yes, he has,” Grandpa replies.

Eight-year-old Ben dashes from the bathroom and approaches Sarah. With an ear-to-ear grin, he says, “Hi Fake Mom!”

“Fake?” Sarah asks with a curious smile.

Finding himself the center of attention, Ben’s eyes dart, and his smile turns bashful.

“Fake Mom?” Uncle Luke prompts. “What’s up with that?”

Ben turns around and darts back into the bathroom. The other family members chuckle and roll their eyes. Ben runs out of the bedroom. “Hi Real Mom!” he shouts.

“Oh, so she’s real now?” Luke says.

“Yeah.” Ben looks around, as if expecting everyone to get it.

The clock strikes eight, and Grandma announces that she would like everyone to gather for a song. Heads are counted. “Anyone know where Kristina and Judah are?” Mary asks.

“They’re in the Wardrobe,” Ben says.

“You want to go get them?” Sarah asks.


Ben passes through the bedroom to the walk-in closet, which has a back exit to the bathroom. The kids have named this closet the Wardrobe because, like Narnia, if you go in one side and come out the other, you end up in another world. Except unlike Narnia, this new world looks exactly the same as the real world, and has copies of all the people. It is very important to keep track of how many times you go through the Wardrobe each way so that you end up going home with the right mom and dad.

11-year-old Kristina and Judah are sitting on the floor behind a forest of Grandma’s clothes. It’s snug and cozy back here, like a pillow fort. This is where they tell each other secrets and share feelings that only 11-year-olds can understand.

The clothes rustle and Ben’s face pokes through. “Hi!”

“Ben,” Judah says, “what are you doing?”

“My mom said to go get you.”

“Mm, okay.” Judah and Kristina crawl out from behind the clothes. After all, if a grown-up says to come out, they have to come out.

The rest of the family is standing in a circle, and they make room for the three kids. With everyone present, Grandpa says a few words about the meaning of Christmas, and how thankful he and Grandma are that the whole family could be here to celebrate it with them.

When he is finished, Georgie asks the group, “Shall we sing Silent Night?” She sweeps the room with her gaze, more to check if everyone is ready than if anyone disagrees. It is a yearly tradition, after all.

She begins the first line. By the time she gets to “Holy night,” the rest of the family have joined their voices with hers in four-part harmony. The melody resonates through the house and connects everyone’s hearts in celebration, and the dark and bitter cold finds no purchase here on this joyous Christmas night.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

NaNo Results 2020: Moebius

In November of 2020, I began my fifth NaNoWriMo book, then called MoebiusWar. The goal, as usual, was to write 50,000 words in a month. I wrote 34,000, several thousand of which were cut. It was the first NaNoWriMo where I failed the goal I set myself.

Now, two months later, it stands a finished novella at 37,000 words. Better late than never, huh?

You can read the final product, Moebius, here on WritersCafe.

Moebius is the story my friends and I built while we were teenagers. We were obsessed with it. We filled notebooks with characters and locations and storylines. We even made action figures for the characters out of colored pipe cleaners. The universe of Moebius occupied our minds day in and day out. It was our fantasy world, our creation.

Over the years, that world faded away, and other concerns and story ideas occupied my mind. But in the summer of 2018, I got nostalgic for the old days of carefree adventure, and that November, I wrote MoebiusQuest, a return to the first book I ever tried to write back in the day. My goal was not to produce a masterpiece, but to reclaim the teenage enthusiasm that kept me daydreaming in this world. I filled the story with nonsense, with jokes and cringeworthy prose, just like I used to do as a teenager. It was junk food, something to enjoy and then toss in the trunk.

In the summer of 2020, I once again felt nostalgic for the world of Moebius, so I decided to write the sequel, which my friends and I had actually spent more time on than the first book. I looked back at our old notes, picked a bunch of characters, constructed a timeline, and then when November began, I went at it.

In the beginning, I thought it was going to be nothing more than another MoebiusQuest, so I picked an equally cheesy title, MoebiusWar. As I wrote, I found myself surprised at how the characters and the world were coming to life. And when I was done, I realized this was not merely a sequel to MoebiusQuest; this had become the best story I have written yet. The jokes and cringe were gone, replaced by serious emotional themes. The whimsy felt like a part of the world rather than an author’s indulgence.

This isn’t another piece of self-indulgent junk food. This is everything my teenage self dreamed Moebius would be, and more. This isn’t MoebiusWar, the sequel to MoebiusQuest. This is Moebius.

It is not lost on me that this series will never be published. My dream is to share my stories and ideas with an audience, and maybe even make a living off of it. So I am making the decision right now to say goodbye to the world of Moebius. It has given me hope, inspiration, escape, and nostalgia. Now it is time to take what I have learned, the skills I have practiced and discovered, and channel them toward real books. I have a far-future speculative sci-fi in the works, and I’ve been getting ideas for a dark fantasy I might start putting more attention into. The time is coming when I will have something to submit to publishers. Someday soon, it will happen.

If you would like to read Moebius without having to push yourself through MoebiusQuest, I have included a 1-page review of the plot and characters after the prologue of Moebius to catch you up to speed. Happy reading!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Mockery: A Fine Line Between Healing and Abuse

Happy Holidays, and welcome to 2021, the Year of Healing (fingers crossed). In the spirit of that optimism, we are going to talk today about an essential ingredient of healing that I have been avoiding like the 2020 Plague: mockery.

For many years, I have believed that mockery of any kind is abusive, and any positive effects it might have can be achieved by actions of a more nurturing type. But this changed last month, after I was mocked by one of my friends. They did not intend it as mockery, and they were not aiming at me, but that was the way the cookie crumbled.

I’d had the mother of all existential crises brewing inside me for years, and that incident, combined with a cascade of others, forced me to face my inner Cthulhu. And in that confrontation, one of the things I have come to realize is that sometimes what feels like harm can actually be a blessing in disguise.

Some people mock because they want to hurt others. Some, because they feel insecure inside and want to feel momentarily superior (like me). Some mock because they want attention. Entertainment companies mock bluntly and offensively so that the shock keeps the dopamine dollars coming. But sometimes, on a precious occasion, you find someone who mocks out of love.

Mockery is like a hammer. Anyone can swing it around and break things, but it takes someone with skill and care to strike the nail. Mock someone in the wrong way, and they could end up in a worse place than they began, their fears and torment reinforced. But with just the right amount of delicate pushing, mockery can push someone over the hill of discomfort and into a place of healing.

If we can face a little bit of mockery, we will become more resilient to the bad kinds of mockery and more accepting of the good kind. When a bit of our silliness or cruelty is pointed out, if we are able to chuckle at it, it becomes smaller and easier to overcome. It does not have to be an act of self-hatred, as I have so long felt it to be, but can, in the right circumstances, be an act of self-love.

I want to become a person who can use mockery to learn and grow, and I think the best way to start is to practice on myself. After all, if I can avoid shattering the world’s most fragile snowflake, that’s a sure sign I’ll be good with anyone.